07 4054 5440 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 29-31 Ponzo St, Woree Business Park, Cairns
07 4054 5440 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 29-31 Ponzo St, Woree Business Park, Cairns
24/7 Breakdown Support
MOBILE: 0447 671 330
Fleet Servicing
and Inspections


December 17, 2019
We’re very pleased to announce that we have been successful and are now pre-qualified with the recent local buy Spare Parts and Associated Services BUS268.  This contract will provide Queensland, Tasmanian and Northern Territory local governments, State government entities and not-for-profit organisations with a comprehensive list of suppliers of spare parts and associated services. The...
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About Us…

We are the home of Scania Trucks, Allison Transmissions and Donaldson Filtration products for North Queensland. We are Diesel maintenance specialists and offer fleet maintenance programs for heavy commercial vehicles and machinery for North Queensland.